
I looked down at my foot
and reviewed what I knew upon it

Toes that helped me run
racing in the wind
around a cinder track
Toes that helped me jump
far across the sand
Toes that wiggled
at my command
toes are complex things…

I thought about a knee
seniors often do
how they work
what curious design
that they can grow
and do
so many different things
yes, knees are complex things

I thought about the muscles
from toes to wiggling ears
all around my body
the are bound and do their things
yes, muscles are complex things

I though about my bones
how strong they are yet growing
how ‘alive’ they are
in all their places
shaped in so many ways
yes, bones are complex things

I thought about the nerves
bundled and working well
firing messages day and night
as long as life does last
ah, nerves are complex things

Eyes? I’ve studied them
and the many different cells
simply amazing
hooked to my brain
and working very well

The brain? Indeed so complex
computers compare in awe
of how it sifts and sorts and does its things
and yet there’s even more

Somewhere in me
there lives a soul
that lives and breathes with wants and wishes
to understand it all

Taken together
I’m a complex being
indeed unlike any other
so much I do not understand

But I know whom
I have believed
and am persuaded
to keep that
which I’ve committed
unto Him, against that day.*

Lin 06/08

*Daniel Whittle, based on 2 Tim 1:12