love each other
make the world go round
Sometimes, just sometimes,
our cup runs over
and creates a problem
Stuck! We say
Stuck in the mud!
Not a happy time…
A giant machine
some 15 tons
25 by 30 by 12
on giant wheels
six feet tall
purring along so smoothly
Slowing, slowing, finally stopping
sinking deeper, deeper, deeper
Hit reverse! Back it out!
Hope! Ah! Won’t go backward either!
Think! Ponder!
Do something quickly!
Sitting is not an option!
Forward again!
Give her the gun!
Just get a little farther
to solid ground
Back and forth,
back and forth,
maybe sinking deeper….
Mud is flying
from the wheels
or a cable, a hundred feet
what to hook it on to help
Oh the ruts!
Poor poor soil!
To be so ripped asunder….
Harvester rescued
back at the shop
plastered with nice black muck
Power washer, going full blast
now piles of mud lying about
Like clothes from a teenager
piled higher and deeper
another mess to deal with
The corn’s still there
waiting for me
waiting for a day of harvest
A giant machine
some 15 tons
25 by 30 by 12
on giant wheels
six feet tall
will purr along smoothly
“By the sweat of your brow,
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground
since from it you were taken’…
Selah, LIn Harvest 09/Mud