The room stands quiet
returned to its former state
all the things carried in
are carried out, gone
The people
those who stood in front
those who played their music
and those who filed in
claiming chairs for a moment
have gone to their cars
and motored away
Quiet reigns
In their hearts words are replayed
faces cross the mind screen
the family, the people
have come together to share
a passing
a moving away
moving on
The book of a life has been written
the touching part has slipped away
so now, we can only touch things they touched
but hugs are no more
The structure of creation is such
that in our mind’s eye, in our heart of hearts
we still touch
and do
pleasuring in the memories
that will stay with us
returned to its former state
all the things carried in
are carried out, gone
The people
those who stood in front
those who played their music
and those who filed in
claiming chairs for a moment
have gone to their cars
and motored away
Quiet reigns
In their hearts words are replayed
faces cross the mind screen
the family, the people
have come together to share
a passing
a moving away
moving on
The book of a life has been written
the touching part has slipped away
so now, we can only touch things they touched
but hugs are no more
The structure of creation is such
that in our mind’s eye, in our heart of hearts
we still touch
and do
pleasuring in the memories
that will stay with us
Some fine days we’ll be together
sharing memories
choking up, tearing
it will be good
Thinking deeply
we’ll be aware again
there are seasons
We’ll hear a baby cry
hold a grandchild
receive a hug
Some young person will cross a stage
receive a diploma
A young couple, all decked out
will face each other down front at church
place rings
facing life together
Maybe we’ll see an older couple
walking down a sidewalk
holding hands
Springtime and summer
fall and winter
the trees, the grass, the flowers
all mark the days
they too, are passing
So we scratch the earth
plant some seeds
grow and flower
then begin to slip
returning to the soil
Selah, Lin 9/2012
sharing memories
choking up, tearing
it will be good
Thinking deeply
we’ll be aware again
there are seasons
We’ll hear a baby cry
hold a grandchild
receive a hug
Some young person will cross a stage
receive a diploma
A young couple, all decked out
will face each other down front at church
place rings
facing life together
Maybe we’ll see an older couple
walking down a sidewalk
holding hands
Springtime and summer
fall and winter
the trees, the grass, the flowers
all mark the days
they too, are passing
So we scratch the earth
plant some seeds
grow and flower
then begin to slip
returning to the soil
Selah, Lin 9/2012