Forty five years now,
And counting
Kayper has stood the tests:
High prices; low prices
Too hot; too cold
No electricity; no water
Too much rain; not enough
And counting
Kayper has stood the tests:
High prices; low prices
Too hot; too cold
No electricity; no water
Too much rain; not enough
She has been a rib
Close to my heart
All of the way
Morning, noon, and night
Day after day
Year after year
From coed to gammy
Her counsel’s always firm
In her yes
And in her no
Honesty, integrity, have been her mark
Hard to think
Nigh impossible
To ponder life without her
While shaping my life
She has fostered others
Giving them life
Birthing, feeding, caring
We turn to her
For a listening ear and heart
Trusting in her judgment
For a listening ear and heart
Trusting in her judgment
Like a rock
Yet surprising
Both shielding us
And leading us
Through her living example
Best of friends
And so much more
Farm wife
(now `Gammy’)
Reflecting her mother
Grandmothers too!
She is a prize
And precious!
We raise our thanks
That she is ours
And we are hers!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
For don’t you know
God made her so