
It happened just yesterday
a voice was stilled
a hush settled over us instantly

This season of concerts
of music swathing us
wrapping us in emotions and hope
lifting us up higher and higher
has that moment, when,
the concert finished
the songbooks are closed
so often the soloist folds the book to her heart
and there’s just a moment
stillness reigns

The creation of the piece
the discipline, practice of the performers,
the presentation, the gift to those who come
(Oh Come Let Us Adore Him)
the fleeting bonding of performer and listener
all have come together in time

But then it is over
Seconds pass, but just a few
and then comes the applause
people on their feet
Thundering, rolling waves of applause –
Well done! Bravo! Yes!

Folks go home…

Some sixty four years ago,
a baby girl was gifted to loving parents
The song that was in her was shared
a thousand times a thousand and again
She loved, and was loved

What a spirit she had
and what a voice in singing!
“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
there’s just something about that Name.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
like the fragrance, after the rain.”…

Clairvoyant, at times?
She blessed us in many ways.

Now the voice is stilled
living in our memories only
But I hear the applause
First timidly
then louder and louder
wave after wave
and I hear a voice
“Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
“Well done.”

Yes, the concert here is over,
the songbook here closed,
The temporary finished
The eternal has begun!

Rest in peace, Rise in glory,
Debbie Savage

12/20/2010 Lin