
A certain time of year
a certain time in summer
the maize gets sweet on us
Daytime starch
turns to early morning sugar
much to our taste buds delight!

Sun and rain
soil and genes
do their dance so well
there is a reward for us

Early morning finds us
ripping the ears off stalks
well water coolness is just right
to capture the peak of sweetness

Soaking in the shade all day
the ears are ready for the coals
steaming themselves
tenderness peaks
and the picnic is ready
roasting ears are the fare!

Shucks pulled back
butter dripping
salt for seasoning
we stand around and chomp
Oh, so good!

Like salmon in Seattle
like lobster in Maine
sweet corn, Illini style is perfection!

Here it comes!
Get ready!
Monday is the day!
You are welcome!

July 2010, Lin