
Peace reigned supreme
in the Garden of Eden
But turmoil rains and reigns writ large
on the earth today
Peace broken, for the man
work, and labor
For the woman
labor of a different sort, but sure
seizing and dominating completely
Yet creation, the Creator, breaks through
from her labor a baby is born
every birth
Yet there is the child
stretching and announcing “I’m here!”     

O Little Town of Bethlehem (softly)
This tiny human
toes and fingers
eye lashes and fingernails                       
everything arranged just so 

Hosanna! Hosanna!
The Whole World is singing! 
The hope of all ages is born!

The child comes with hunger
and sleep

Time passing, a moment comes
and the mother tenderly, firmly, holds the face
“Look at me!” she says.
Captured completely
the child looks into her face.
So here we are, Christmas
God holding our faces
“Look at me!”  God says
Peace, peace, wonder Full peace
coming down from the Father above
Sweep over my spirit forever I pray
with fathomless billows of love.*
So God did
So God does…
Lin 12/12/12